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For the Love of God について

For the Love of God  is a collection of 10 songs written over the span of twelve years.  
When I first began writing music as Lauren Horii, one of my inspirations was "vulnerability"—being unguarded, honest, and open to the idea of showing my weakness. This album became a record of my exploration of that.  

「For the Love of God」に収録されている曲たちは2012年から2024年の間に作っているので、本アルバムは音楽家としての変化が生々しく記録された作品になりました。

堀井ローレンとして曲を書き始めた当初のテーマは "vulnerability" (無防備であること)でした。繕うことなく、ありのままの姿を—それがどんな姿であれ、弱みをも含めた自分の正直な内面を曲の中で見せるということについて考え始めた時期が制作のスタートと重なっているので、このことについて探索した旅路の記録にもなっていると思います。

Listen to the album

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Liner Notes


01. 今どうしてますか


(ima doushite masuka)

I initially started writing this song on my ukulele.  The first part I wrote is the second verse, which translates to "what are you doing right now?  Are you tired, scrolling through your phone?  Are you in need of encouragement?  If so please listen, there's someone who is always by your side..."  As much as it was a message that I wanted to extend to others, it was probably a message that I needed to hear myself.  



My father is a missionary.  He walked through Japan from Okinawa to Hokkaido with a 20kg wooden cross on his back, walking 32km a day six days a week.  I was making slideshows of the journey, and as I looked at the photos of landscapes across Japan and heard of the stories, I was inspired to write this song.  Sometimes when we do things the results are not immediate, but we learn something valuable when we continue to walk.  

03. 夜空 feat. 山本裕太




(Yozora feat. Yuta Yamamoto)

Yuta is a talented gospel pianist here in Japan and we've had the pleasure of doing a worship ministry together for almost a dacade now.  This was probably the first song we wrote together.  It probably didn't take ten minutes to make the first verse and chorus and the rest of the song came pretty quickly.  The first verse talks about my teenage years, the second verse represents my adulthood.  For the bridge, the image was Jesus carrying the cross up Golgotha, and that vision shifts the story through the last chorus.  It's a song about my Christian faith and it's become an important song for me personally.  

04. He Loves You



This was the first song I wrote for the album.  Three months in to our marriage, Keiichi said we should write a song together.  My reaction was, "Why?"  At the time, songwriting equalled work, so I didn't have a concept of "writing just because".  That one simple invitation led me to the ministry I do today and turned into a whole album.  

05. I’m Fine


I wrote this song when I was far from being fine.  Things were not going well at all, but one day I lifted my head up and saw the blue sky out the window, and I thought, "There must be a truth beyond my feelings."  That moment inspired this bright, upbeat song.  My friend Tweli G. helped with the music video which tells the story of this song in a creative way.

06. TIME


I wrote this when I felt overwhelmed with all the things I needed to do as a stay-at-home working mother.  I didn't have enough time to explore my creativity and felt like I was becoming more and more shallow.  I kept wondering when things would change, but gradually my thought shifted to accept the reality that things are different than it once was, and acknowledged that I'm in the business of serving the Author of time.  ​I think it ended up becoming a new type of sound for Japanese CCM.

07. Blessed Sunday

2018年にリリースしたBlessed Sunday.  日曜日の朝に教会いくんだけど、心軽やかに行きたいのに着くまでに嫌なことがあったりするんですよね。それで「もうダメだ...」なんて肩を落とすこともあるんだけど、実は口に出さないだけで意外と同じように感じている人もいたりするから、あんまり気を落とし過ぎないで、何よりそこに行く意味から目を話さないようにしよう ってメッセージを明るく歌ってます。


Some times things happen before we go to the Sunday service and instead of "entering the courts with thanksgiving" you feel like you'd rather be somewhere else.  I think there actually are a lot of people who can relate with the sentiment, we just don't talk about it.  My hope was to encourage people not to be too hard on themselves about where their hearts may be and put our focus on to God.  Would love it if you'd listen to it on Sunday mornings!

08. TOWA NI feat. Tsuguru Nakayama


Tsuguru and I met a long time ago through my husband.  He is a gifted pianist and worship leader.  After he moved to the US to study about worship and upon hearing some of the things he had experienced, I wondered how I could support him in his journey, and started exchanging messages and talking over the phone.  After a while we decided to write a song together, he brought his gifted musician friends Osamu and Kengo on board and the rest is history.  I'm really glad I get to share their sound on this album and feel blessed to have written this song together with them.  

09. And yet, love





This was written during the Covid pandemic, along with my good friend Hisashi Ueki.  He and my husband went to the same music school in the Kansai area but neither one of them knew they were Christians.  After they moved to the Kanto area they somehow found out about each other's faith, and Hisashi introduced my husband to the church where we met.  Anyway, the song is lyrically very raw, which I thought was the right way to go when the world was chaotic, confusing and hurt.  It was a new territory for me of bold honesty and I feel like it opened a door for me to be transparent about my weakness.  I'm glad I wrote this because it helps me remember where I was and how I got to where I am today.  

10. OMG feat. SAK.


日本にいるからこそなのですが、わたしには英語を母国語として育っていないからこその英語感覚があります。アルバムタイトルの「For the Love of God」も、英語がそこまで得意でない人にしたら「神の愛のため」とか「神を愛するが故」って捉える人がある程度いると思うんです。でも実は英語ではこのフレーズは「頼むからいい加減にしてくれ」というような意味で使われます。


OMG was written a long time ago (2018) and it was my first release as Lauren Horii, featuring the beautiful vocalist SAK. OMG of course means Oh My God and a lot of us Christians were told not to say the phrase.  The fact that I chose to use this phrase goes to show my personality, but I thought if we use the phrase exactly as what it means, could it really be bad?  
Because I was born in Japan and English is my second language, I realize that I have a unique way of capturing the English language.  The album title "For the Love of God", like "OMG", is not a really positive phrase, but for a Japanese person who knows little English, they may see the phrase and perceive it exactly how it's written.  Some will take it to mean "because of the love we have for God", or "in support of God's love".  I recognize this way of thinking is only for people who's first language is not English, and that is my background.  It's also my temperament and character that leads me to be interested in and enjoy these word play.  Ending the album with this song ties the whole journey together.

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